Learn 220 Common English Phrasal Verbs

  • Skill: Vocabulary
  • Level: Any
  • Study time: 45 mins
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Learn 220 Phrasal verbs

How many phrasal verbs do you think you know?

This ultimate online course is designed to elevate your phrasal verb knowledge to new heights!

You'll be presented with 220 phrasal verbs, in sets of 10 from A-Z, and you have to match them to their definitions.

Benefits of the Course

Check your Knowledge

The course tests you on sets of 10 phrasal verbs from A-Z, totalling 220. By taking the course, you can find out how many you really know.

Build your Vocabulary

As well as testing you, you'll learn more phrasal verbs as you can focus on those you don't know.

Natural Speaking

Phrasal verbs are a fundamental aspect of speaking in English, so it's essential you use them in your everyday speaking and understand when others use them. 

Course Content

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220 Phrasal Verbs

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