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One-to-One IELTS Writing Coaching
10 Sessions
Get 1-1 IELTS writing coaching with an expert ex-IELTS examiner
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Benefits of the Session(s)
Training with an Ex-IELTS Examiner
I have over 10 years experience of examining for IELTS and coaching IELTS students so you are guaranteed expert training and knowledge.
Improve Grammar & Vocabulary
A key part of the course is addressing any issues you have with grammar and vocabulary as of course this is almost impossible to fix on your own without face-to-face tutoring.
Practice a Variety of IELTS Question Types
In the coaching, we'll practice with different types of task 1 and task 2 questions (depending on what task you want coaching for) so you'll be ensured of practising a variety of topics that could arise.
Other Resources
You'll also be given or directed to other resources to help with your writing which you can use outside of the coaching such as exercises and quizzes.
Your Writing Coach:
Welcome! You'll be learning writing with myself, Russell.
I have taught English as a second language for over 20 years. In particular, I've specialised in English for academic purposes and English for the IELTS test. I'm an ex-IELTS examiner, having examined for over 10 years.
I want to help you to improve your writing for IELTS so we'll do this through the coaching sessions.
In particular I'll highlight the issues that could be affecting your band score and work on your grammar, an aspect that leaves many candidates stuck at lower band score.
I have taught English as a second language for over 20 years. In particular, I've specialised in English for academic purposes and English for the IELTS test. I'm an ex-IELTS examiner, having examined for over 10 years.
I want to help you to improve your writing for IELTS so we'll do this through the coaching sessions.
In particular I'll highlight the issues that could be affecting your band score and work on your grammar, an aspect that leaves many candidates stuck at lower band score.
Frequently asked questions
How many writing sessions is this for?
You are buying 10 coaching sessions and each session is 45 minutes.
How will the sessions work?
At first I'll chat with you to find out what you want to study. For instance is it essays, graphs or letters, or do you want a mix of two of those e.g. essays and graphs to improve your score for Academic IELTS. Before each session you'll need to submit a piece of writing and we'll look at that in the session. We'll also discuss other issues such as grammar or lexis.
What if there are certain topics or issues I want to address?
The sessions will be tailored to your needs so you can advise me if there are certain things you want to focus on; for example our grammar or certain types of essay, letter or graph.
How will I book the time for the session?
Once you have purchased the course, you'll have access to my calendar and you can book your slot at a time that suits you. I'm on UK time but I can be flexible.
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